11 Steps to Set Up Lash Tiles Like an Expert

When it comes to organizing lash tiles, efficiency is key. As a lash artist, you want to have your tiles neatly arranged and easily accessible, allowing you to work smoothly and effortlessly. In this blog post, we will share some expert tips and tricks on how to best organize your lash tiles for optimal productivity.


What is Lash Tile?

Let's first understand what a lash tile is and why it is important in the lash application process.

A lash tile is a flat surface where lash artists place their lash extensions and adhesive during the application. It provides a convenient and organized workspace, allowing for easy access to lash extensions and adhesive.

An experienced lash technician working with precision, utilizing a lash tile for easy access and organization of lash extensions. The tile, a crucial tool in the process, ensures convenient accessibility to various lash lengths and types, optimizing efficiency during the extension application

Using lash tile consisting of different lash strips with different lengths for covenient pickup and lash artist' s needs


Setting Up Your Lash Tile

How to choose

Now that you understand the basics of a lash tile, let's move on to setting up your tile for optimal comfort and convenience. The first step is to choose the suitable tiles.

There are various varieties of lash tiles available in the market. Some popular options include glass tiles, jade stones, and adhesive stickers. Some offer only blank workspace for the lash techinicians to have free customization to their likings, while some come with both glue holders and even tweezer holder. Each type has its own advantages and it's important to choose the one that suits your preferences and needs.

The question is, how can you choose the right tiles for your needs?

If you are a beginner

If you just start lashing, it is recommended to start with tiles that offer a blank workspace. These tiles provide you with the flexibility to experiment and find your own style. As a beginner, it is important to focus on developing your skills and techniques. Having a blank workspace allows you to practice different lash styles and learn what works best for you.

A blank lash tile, offering a pristine white surface ideal for maximum customization by lash artists. This featureless tile provides a clean canvas for organizing lash extensions, allowing personalized arrangement and organization based on individual preferences and needs

If you are an expert

For experienced lash technicians, tiles with additional features can be a great investment. Glue holders and tweezer holders provide convenience and organization during lash application. With a dedicated space for your glue and tweezers, you can work more efficiently and reduce the risk of misplacing or contaminating your tools. These features can save you time and effort, especially when working on multiple clients.

A fuller lash tile showcasing additional features such as built-in glue and tweezer holders, along with a designated space for holding glue bottles. This versatile tile offers multifunctional support for lash artists, ensuring convenient organization and easy access to essential tools during lash extension procedures

What should you consider when choosing tiles?

When choosing tiles with additional features, consider the quality and functionality of the holders. Look for tiles that have secure holders to prevent accidental spills or falls. It is also important to choose tiles made from durable materials that are easy to clean and maintain.

Where should I put my lash tiles?

Position your lash tile at a comfortable height and angle that allows for a natural and relaxed posture, and easy access to lash extensions and adhesive. This will prevent unnecessary strain on your neck, wrists, hands and improve your overall comfort during the application.


Arranging Your Lash Tile

Now you have got your lash tiles. Here are a few friendly tips you might want to check out to get the most from those!

1. Strategic arrangement

One of the first steps in organizing your lash tiles is to learn how to choose what lashes you should put them together on a tile. The answer is that, you can group them by length, curl, or thickness, for easy access and quick identification, depending on your personal preference. 

And whatever criteria you choose to base on, remember to make it logical. If sorted by curl, line them up from the gentlest to the most dramatic curl. For length, go from shortest to longest, and for thickness, think classic, volume, and megavolume or arrange from thinnest to thickest. Typically, lashes are grouped by curl and thickness, starting lengths from the top with the shortest and moving down to the longest.

By arranging them in a logical order, you can save time and improve efficiency during your lash application process. This way, you can easily locate the lashes you need without wasting precious time searching through the tiles.

In addition to arranging lash extensions, place your adhesive and tools strategically on your lash tile. By positioning them that way, you can work more efficiently and minimize the risk of accidentally knocking over your adhesive or searching for your tools.

2. Label at the Top

This simple yet effective technique allows you to quickly identify the lashes. Write down what the group is, what lengths, curls, thickness are on the tile. By labeling them, you can easily grab the desired lash group without any confusion.

For example: Label them as C - 0.1mm or Classic - C

3. Use More for Often-Used Lengths

For frequently used lash lengths, such as 10-12mm, consider using two or more strips instead of one. This allows you to have a larger supply of lashes readily available, reducing the need for constant restocking during your lash application.

An organized lash tile showcasing lash extensions grouped by their curl and thickness. Specifically, a combination of volume C curl lashes ranging from lengths 9mm to 19mm, neatly arranged for easy access and selection during the lash extension process

An example of an organized lash tile, grouped by curl and thickness -  Source: LivBay Lash

4. Leave a Gap

When organizing your lash tiles, make sure to leave a small gap between each strip. This prevents the lashes from overlapping each other, ensuring a clean and easy pickup. By avoiding lash entanglement, you can maintain a smooth workflow and avoid any unnecessary frustration.

5. Use Different Tweezers

It is important to use different tweezers for organizing your lash tiles than the ones you use for lashing. The tweezers used for organizing may have glue residue on them, which can interfere with the lash pickup process. By using separate tweezers, you can avoid wasting time cleaning them and prevent any potential mess.

6. Use Old Tweezers

When selecting tweezers for organizing your lash tiles, opt for ones that you use the least. This way, you can repurpose your older tweezers for this specific task, keeping your newer and more precise tweezers reserved for lash application.

7. Press Strips Moderately

Ensure that all lash strips are pressed onto the tile moderately. If they are too loose, when you pick up the lashes, the strip may come off as well. On the other hand, if they are too tight, it may be difficult to remove thestrips.
To achieve the perfect balance, press down the strip with your fingers or the back of a tweezer. Make sure to press not only the outside part but also the lash base for a clean and secure hold.

After pressing down the strip, it is crucial to test if they are securely attached. Take out a few lash strands and gently tug on them. If they come off easily and nicely, it indicates that the strips are properly attached.

8. Leave space on the lash tile for glue drop

If you are working in a blank lash tile, keep a little bit of space at the bottom or the top of the tile for glue. Having the glue on the tile keeps it easily accessible and prevents any accidental spills or messes during the application process. Additionally, the cool surface of the tile helps to prevent the glue from drying too quickly, allowing you to work with it for a longer time. 

9. Prepare lash tile based on customers

If you already have that customer’s wanted lash styles, prepare all the needed lashes ready before the client arrives and write their names on top of the lash tiles for smooth and fast application.This preparation not only saves time but also showcases your professionalism and attention to detail.

10. Choose lashes with silver foil backing

The silver foil backing allows for easy and multiple removal of lashes from the tile to the tray without being torn, saving you valuable time preparing for the process.

11. Keep your lash tiles clean and organized

To maintain a sanitized lash tile and tools, it's essential to clean them during and after each use. During your lash application, periodically wipe down your tile with a lint-free cloth or a disposable adhesive film. This will help remove any adhesive residue or stray lashes, keeping your tile clean and ready for the next client.

After each client, thoroughly clean your lash tile with a lash extension cleanser or a mild soap and water solution. Regularly remove any excess adhesive or lash debris to maintain a tidy workspace.This will help eliminate any bacteria or debris that may have accumulated during the application process.

When not in use, store them in a tile home, much like a file holder but for your lashes. A tile home provides a designated space for your tiles, preventing them from accumulating dust, debris, or anything else that may compromise their quality and ensuring that they are neatly organized and easily accessible when you need them. To make it more efficient, try arranging them neatly – maybe alphabetically if they're labeled with customer names or in a logical order based on curl, length and thickness labels.


Common Issues

While lash tiles can greatly enhance your lash application process, they can sometimes present challenges. Here are some common problems encountered with tiles and their solutions:

1. Adhesive drying too quickly

If you find that your adhesive is drying too quickly on the lash tile, try using a jade stone or a glass tile instead. These materials tend to keep the adhesive cooler, allowing for a longer working time.

2. Lash extensions sticking to the tile

If your lash extensions are sticking to the lash tile, you can lightly mist the tile with a water-based lash cleanser or primer. This will create a barrier between the lash extensions and the tile, preventing them from sticking.

For a visual guide on setting up your lash tile, take a peek at How To Setup a Lash Tile For Extensions - Work Station Tips by LivBay Lash


By following these expert tips and techniques, you can optimize your lash tile organization and create a more comfortable and convenient lash application experience. A well-organized setup not only saves you time but also enhances your overall productivity. So, take the time to implement these tips and enjoy a more efficient and enjoyable lash artistry experience!



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